Your personal lifestyle assistants
Take care of yourself by taking back control of your time.
“Now more than ever, nobody ever has enough time. Not just to do what they need to do, but what they want to do. We give people the luxury of being able to buy more time… more time to spend with loved ones, more time to explore and travel, more time for self care and more time to be able to enjoy life rather than just ‘muddling through’ as so many of us do.”
“It’s surprising how much free time and productivity you gain when you lose the busyness in your mind.”
— Brittany Burgunder

Your journey with PLM is a blank page just waiting for you to offload and scribble all over it. Tell us what you need doing and we will take care of it from start to finish. If you are simply filled with overwhelm and don't know what it is that you need doing yet, you can let us work that out for you too!
Peak Lifestyle Management was born from a true passion of living a life you love (cheesy I know but stay with us), so many factors stop us from doing this so let us give you back that chance. Be it that hour in the evening you need to be able to plan your dream trip around the world, or the two hours in the middle of the day you need to train for a marathon, or maybe, just maybe it is the lie in or the early night you need… We can make it happen.
We have a passion for care and slowing down the pace so we can truly look after ourselves and our much talked about wellbeing.

“Love is a four letter word spelled T I M E .”
— Edith Elger—
Who is it for?
We work with individuals from all backgrounds on a personal lifestyle level to cover any aspects of their day to day lives we can. We also work with small - medium businesses to offer virtual assistant services to ensure their businesses run as efficiently as possible.
How does it work?
All services are bespoke and tailored to your individual needs. Simply get in touch today, we will have a free ‘no strings attached’ chat (usually over a coffee or a wine) and we will work through the next phase of getting you some time back.