Let’s Talk Wellness Clutter
Let’s talk about something I like to call ‘Wellness Clutter’
How many posts/articles/adverts/blogs etc do you see each day banging on about looking after your wellbeing?
And how many of those ideas conflict one another?
The pressure we feel to keep on top of every single area of our lives to maximise our wellbeing and ‘live our best lives’ (eww!) is overpowering… But why? Why can’t we choose those areas that are most important to us and focus on those? Who says we have to do it all?
Wellness means something different to absolutely everyone so let’s stop cluttering our brains with all these ideals about wellness and take some time to sit back and work out what true wellness looks like for ourselves. Life really is too short to chase our wellness and never achieve it…
If you would really rather binge watch TV in an evening than reading your self help books… go for it! Want to go out and binge on pizza and wine after a long week at work rather than heading to pilates… Who cares!
Yes it is about balance, and we can work to create that (see my earlier blog post on balance… (https://bit.ly/3Exd2hs ) but please stop putting the pressure on yourself. In an effort to strive for wellness, you are achieving the total opposite.
Did I just write another one of those cluttering posts? Maybe… 🤷♀️