
It’s a hot topic at the moment isn’t it? Burnout. Everyone we speak to is either experiencing burnout themselves, concerned for a friend experiencing it or fearing the moment it arrives for them.

So let me ask you… who is responsible for said burnout?

Is it our managers responsibility for piling workload on? Our colleagues for not pulling their weight? Partners for not easing the pressure at home? Kids for being … well, just kids? 

What if it isn’t anyone’s fault? What if it is avoidable and we just haven’t taken on the responsibility to avoid it? What if we can prevent burnout easily enough by just setting boundaries? 

Ok, enough questions.

The truth is there is no one who can prevent, avoid or overcome burnout other than ourselves yet we are so quick to put the blame on other areas of our life, because it is just easier that way.  

We have to start setting boundaries in our life before it is too late. If the past two years of lockdowns and working from home has taught us anything, it has to be how precious life can be and how we have to work hard to protect it.  

I know, I know… easier said than done. But is it really?  

Here are my quick fire 5 top tips for setting some boundaries in your work and home life.

1. Log off. Seriously. Simple. There is nothing that can’t wait until you have had your down time… And if you say there is, I simply don’t believe you. (Unless you are an on call brain surgeon …? )

2. Delegate. We aren’t made to do everything… delegate out your workload. Home life and work life… It won’t always be done 100% the way you would do but if you choose the right things to delegate, that really won’t matter.

3. Plan. Busy time coming up or starting to feel overwhelmed? Stop for 30 minutes, 60 minutes or even half a day if it needs it and plan out your time and what areas need your energy as a priority.

4. Stop. Burnout happens when we keep burning and burning and burning ( the clue is in the name right? ). So every once in a while, you have to stop and let the fire stop burning. I know it feels like if you just keep going, it will be OK in the end but I promise you it won’t. So just…stop.

5. GET OUTSIDE – My biggest tip and I have never, ever known it not to help. Even if it is ten minutes walk down the road and back. Those 20 minutes won’t be missed but your brain will get a break, your eyes will get a break and the fresh air and stretch of the legs will do you wonders. Even it is raining… yes, really.

We must stop the burnout fashion… it is not cool.


If you change nothing, nothing changes - Joyce Brothers


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